Personally, I hate using strong chemicals to get rid of stubborn stains. The strong odor ingites my system to respond like an actor whose acting style is to exaggerate every emotion he wants to portray. Some hollywood folks call this style: overacting. In short, I normally have allergies if I use laboratory manufactured chemicals. They are a bit overboard for poor sensitive me.

My alternative is to use the most natural substances readily available at home. What are those substances? Vinegar, shampoo, table salt or NaCl, baking soda, cold water, even a bottle of Coke is usable. You might think I’m just making this up, believe me, I studied the chemical components of all these, and based on my findings, and the result of my experiments, they do really work.

The cool thing about it is, they abound in my kitchen. Now, what makes me confident to express my thoughts about chemistry? I took up more than the usual loads of chemistry units in college, and did well on them. But, that’s another story.

Moving on, this wonderful guide is supplied to us by Uniform Advantage.
