Do you know how to play Basketball Ending Game? Have you ever heard of it? Well this game is originated in Philippines. People used to gamble on this game, not anymore people today use this game to get rid of items they do not use anymore. Example i have an old ipad, phone, gadgets, shoes and etc. and i would like to sell it, unfortunately it is old and i can't find a buyer for it. Then this ending game will surely help you to get rid of your item ask some of your friends to bet on the Game Card for only a few pesos/bucks, and use your item as a price on the card :) When the Basketball Game starts all of your friends including non-friends :D will surely wait with excitement hoping that the number they put the bet on will be the final ending number. If the Basketball Game ends and you have the winner, you will give your item as the prize.
How to play this?
Let me teach you how! Below is the Basketball Ending Game Card.

All you need is a two combination number, like what you see above. Ex. your birthday is January 24, you have your 2 digit combination. Now place your bet on that number 2 - 4. When the basketball game ends both teams will have their final score. Ex 94 - 95. The last digit on the score is the two combination number. So you will take it 4 - 5 right? In that case you lost the game. But if the basketball game ends with the score like this 92 - 94, 102 - 104, 82 - 104, any score that ends with 2 and 4 is a win game for you. Always remember that 104 - 92 is not the combination number your looking, even you have the same number 2 and 4 with it, you need to know that you need the right ending combination. Some people argue with this kind of situation. Why? Because people don't know the rules when betting. The default rules here in Philippines is on the Ending Game card. top left is where the team names will be listed. Who's on top and who's on bottom. Ex. On the top Pelicans is listed and below is Cleveland. The team who's listed below will be the first digit of the combination number. Soo.. Cleveland will get all of the first digit numbers, so if they have a ending score of 101, and Pelicans have 99, the combination number will be 1 - 9 not 9 - 1. Always remember that!!
If you don't get what i am saying i will post an example below! ( Sorry if my english is bad -_-)
See the team listed on the top left.. On top San Miguel Beer, below is Purefoods.
If San Miguel Beer ended with score of 104 and Purefoods ends with a score of 92 the winning combination number will be 2 - 4. Why?? because the team below who's listed on the top left will get the first digit number. And thats the Original Rules of the basketball ending game.
Because in Philippines we dont have a home team and away team. People only put the team names randomly. If we tag them with AWAY and HOME the rules will be much more simplier.

THAT'S IT! That's is the Basketball Ending Game rules and how to play it! :)