It is just ironic that Nikki Gil and Billy Crawford are now gaining publicity after their breakup. During their entire four years of relationship, not much has been heard about them, especially because they kept a somehow ‘perfect’ relationship, in the traditional sense.

The ex-couple are supposed to celebrate what could have been their fifth anniversary as boyfriend and girlfriend next month. Crawford has broken his silence and talked about his decision yesterday, July 28, during a live interview at ‘The Buzz’ with Boy Abunda.

That interview turned out anything but substantial. Of course, it is expected that he would not divulge much about the failed relationship. But he revealed that the two of them went closer to the idea of getting married. Now, that, too shall be put on hold. 

‘Bad boy meets good girl’

Before the interview started, Abunda revealed that when he was dubbing for the intro about Crawford, he had to ask the writers to modify some portion. That was because according to him, the original script described the relationship as ‘bad boy meets good girl,’ referring to Crawford as a bad boy. 

Abunda apologized outright to the quiet Crawford. But did the staff take a basis for that description? Showbiz insiders are trying to deduce some possible factors that may have led to the split up. But since nothing could be confirmed, they are now trying to get a deeper analysis into the issue. And they unveiled a possible source of issue that could be considered as potentially among the factors that led to the incident.

Losing virginity

For the longest time, Gil and Crawford had been vocal about how they let God get into the relationship. Yes, Gil was very vocal about her decision not to give her virginity to Crawford. It was a fact that has served as an occasional butt of jokes among their group of common friends.

Many people admired Gil for taking that stand as it has become very rare for men and women this age not to engage in pre-marital intercourse when everybody is doing it. In one interview in the past, Gil revealed to the entertainment press that she is wearing a chastity ring from her mother that serves as a living reminder to her not to give in to temptation whenever she and Crawford are alone together.

Last March, the two had hinted that the relationship was in trouble. Two months after, showbiz press was surprised not to see Gil’s chastity ring in her finger anymore. Of course, some nasty reporters did not let any opportunity to pass without asking about it. What intrigued them was Gil’s response that she doesn’t owe anyone any explanation.

The press did not pursue the discussion further. Could it be that Gil really gave Crawford her virginity? Was it the reason she appears very devastated from the breakup? Did that take anything to do with the breakup? If it did, then Crawford must have decided to move on after taking the ‘gift.’ Could it be that they were not sexually compatible?